What will happen when jobs run out?

Food for thought. Can we ever run out of jobs?

Automation kills jobs. Work that demanded humans in the 20th century will not employ us anymore, because we've found efficient and accurate alternatives using machines.
Farmers became industrial workers, small time construction workers became infrastructure machine operators, and now we're all headed to become slaves of the computer, irrespective of which domain we're in.

Machines can currently do most jobs humans used to do till the previous century. What will happen if artificial intelligence takes over our current jobs? Humans can then only be employed in creative and emotional domains, but I fear artificial intelligence may overpower humans there too.

Say 2000 years from now when AI is very powerful and over the generations humanity has come to believe there is no scope for improvement, what will we do then? Could the world then become Utopia? Remember, no jobs means no hierarchy in society. 


Meh. The hypothetical situation is not feasible. We'll soon discover space exploration, interstellar travel, and yada yada and there'll be a shift in employment. Mass unemployment in one domain can only happen if the next domain has the capability to employ that many.


2 weeks later, I came across this article by Yuval Noah Harari. He says exactly this. Algorithms can and will take over redundant jobs. 


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