Money, the Governor of this World

Highly unstructured flow of thoughts on money. Not sure if I'm going to be able to make my point by the end of this.

The thought of how money controls this planet keeps surfacing my mind every now and then. The world needs a common mode of trade to function, and thus money was invented to bridge the gap of trade. The problem however is that our entire society functions solely on this one object. All our life decisions are based factoring money into account. From the cook that comes to our home, to the guy that runs the local store downstairs, to the professors that taught us (lol) at university, to the people I work with at office. The career we invest in, the school we attend, the place we live, the job we do.   Our life decisions are too heavily based on this one man made tool!

Money was created as a tool for exchange; we've all heard about since Kindergarten. The secret is, let it be just that, and nothing more. Money is a level of abstraction above what value you can bring. Make value, and that in turn brings money. Instead, what we do is run behind making money without putting in the effort to create value. What if money was not an object? What if this world, even in this day, still worked on bartering? Would you have anything to offer to the person you're willing to buy goods from? - That's what I'm trying to put through. Have a skill to barter with.


Plus in this modern day I don't even know how much money I really have; I can't even feel the value I've created, because its just a number, a figure somewhere on a digital machine in the clouds.


  1. Such communism, much wow. And yes I know this is not what you meant.


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