Can you solve this?

You have a sheet with several numbers written on them. You have to fill in operators to make the left side balance the right side. You can use any operator, and as many as you'd like. You can use brackets. You cannot write any number on the sheet. So, square root works because there's a symbol for square root. Cube root doesn't because it requires you to write 'three' in the root symbol. Similarly, you can't square a number, because it requires you to write 'two' in the superscript. You also cannot use decimal as it requires you to write '0' in front of the dot.

Here's the question - 

0 0 0 = 6
1 1 1 = 6
2 2 2 = 6
3 3 3 = 6
4 4 4 = 6
5 5 5 = 6
6 6 6 = 6
7 7 7 = 6
8 8 8 = 6
9 9 9 = 6

I'll give you the answer to the first. 

6 + 6 - 6 = 6

Can you solve the rest?

It took me almost half an hour to complete.


  1. how about + signs between numbers and a not equal sign instead of equal to sign for all.(expect for third).
    Ex. 0 + 0 + 0 not equal to 6

    1. Haha, that is a nice hacky solution.
      0+0+0 != 6
      Though not wrong, this isn't the answer the question demands. There is a sneaky way to get three 0's to make 6.


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