New year, New Project!

Ah! I'm working on a fantastic new idea, and I am so happy about it.
Months ago, during depressing November when the winter gloom struck me hard, I wrote a draft named Waiting on an Idea. I never published it because it wasn't good enough. Everything that I was doing then just didn't seem good enough. The people I was around, the work I was doing, my side projects, nothing seemed worth my time. And so, I tried writing a comical blog on me doing all the strangest yoga poses and sideway handstands, eagerly waiting for an idea to magically pop in my head to turn my life around. But the blog post wasn't good enough, and so I just left it as a draft.

Quite literally me waiting on an idea.

Another 50 blog post drafts ago, I wrote about a novel interface to using your phone; now I didn't suggest what it would be, but I just knew if there is a new way to interact with your phone, you have a sure shot at the millions. And the idea has finally shown itself!

Now, in a parallel timeline, three years ago, three friends and I from college got together to break the monotony of bunking classes every day and playing FIFA, or sleeping late into the day and doing something worthwhile with our time. Four minutes and three and a half Google searches worth our time, we came up with an idea to participate in Google's Student Admob challenge, and to win it. Another day or so, and we started making a quiz application with a personality. The game was honestly just another quiz application, but with a character that takes you around and gives you fun responses and interacts with you. I have to credit Rohan for coming up with an excellent name for our company; very Androidy, very new, something that sounds new but doesn't seem like we're overdoing it; Context Genesis. And we called our app Perplexy, fitting perfectly to the quiz theme.
A month of dedicated work, and a submission to the Admob challenge, we were glad we did this.
Funnily enough, Google never announced the winners for that year.

The Perplexy icon. Isn't it just great!

Now, three years later, and a strong desire to want to do something again to break free from the frustrations of everyday work life, I called Dhruv and Rohan and let them in on a superb idea I had. Team Perplexy is back!

It is an idea that magically popped in my head[1].
It is about completely changing the way you interact with your phone.
And it's happening :D


[1] technically, no. Nothing about the idea popping up is magical. If I trace it back, it was more of a realization in the happening; the signs were all around. For months I'd been thinking of a new interface to use my phone. I was trying out various launchers. I was hoping something would show up. And well, then it struck me. It's nothing new new. It's a mixture of ideas from various places coming together in doing something that does not exist on the Play Store. Yes, I've come up with something that doesn't exist on the Play Store! 


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