www.rish.space is live!

I created a portfolio website during my junior year while I was learning Python Flask. I hosted it on pythonanywhere.com using their free-tier account provided rish.pythonanywhere.com subdomain - it's long and cannot be shared because you're bound to spell pythonanwyhere[1] wrong. I've been passively looking for a good domain name for a long time but never spent more than a minute or two on godaddy. I really wanted to buy one and tick this off of my to-do list.

bhardwaj.me, bhardwaj.in and bhardwaj.com were not available. I thought a family domain and individual members sub-domain, rish.bhardwaj.in for example, would have been really cool but none of them were available. Though rish.in was available, it just didn't have the same ring as a .com or .me domain and besides it seemed too short. Short .com's are very expensive. My nick/alias on most websites is crearo[2], and crearo.com would've been it for me had it been available. It turns out there's a Chinese camera/mobile company using that domain :D

I later chanced upon .space and bought it the moment I found it. I think it is a new domain extension because literally every name I can think of (except bhardwaj.space, sigh) is available! rish.space made complete sense. It is my little corner of the great world wide web where I can put anything I'd like, and is a really short url that I'm certain no one can ever spell wrong.

I switched to hosting the website on Heroku because linking a domain to the web-app is free (:D) and the entire deployment process is unimaginably easy.



[1] I really didn't spell it wrong on purpose, and I'm not editing it.
[2] Why crearo? I came up with the name during my freshman year when I created my github account. It's a spin-off of the word creator. As a child I loved how you could design Lego models on the computer using their Creator Studio, and that's probably what made the word stick. Creator was obviously not available on Github, and creato sounded funny. I replaced the t with an r, probably because of my love for the letter. Later on I started using this on all websites where I didn't want to give away my real credentials, my first name being crearo, surname, rotar. rotar is creator spelled backwards dropping a couple letters.


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