All the world's a nowhereland

Why do you work so hard, child? There was infinite work before you were here, and there will be infinite work after you go. Yes you might think you've contributed to a significant amount during your act, but on the grand stage you are merely a performer with limited time. Your work may influence the acts of other performers and you may change the course of the story in your own little way, but there will always be more stage-time once you go.

If you never existed, your workplace would have still continued to function, if you leave, your workplace will not come to a stand-still. Even if you work twice the number of hours you can only take the company so far; there will still be an infinite amount of work left.

Your time here is a lot like a long car drive from no-where-land-A to no-where-land-B; there are infinite no-where-lands ahead of you and infinite no-where-lands behind you. You decide where you start, and keep driving until you decide to stop. Just as with every new highway you board, village you pass through, bridge you cross, each new day comes with it's own set of obstacles, every stretch teaches you a new skill. No matter how far you've reached, in retrospect you were always driving, and however far you look ahead, all you see is a lot more road to cover. If you drive twice the number of hours, you'll probably cover twice the land given you don't wear out and lose focus, but there will always be a lot more road ahead of you.

It's you who draws the line to stop driving.


I've been spending way too many hours at work and sometimes it feels like there is no reason for me to be putting in so much effort, because from what I see whatever project I take or workplace I join, it'll all be a never-ending project and there will always be so much more that we could do.

After much thought I've realised what drives me to do and keep doing is the hope that working on my current projects will give me ideas to start my next project.


  1. Yes sure it is. But maybe the journey and experiences will still matter. There is this story where a man is told that whatever land he covers ( and comes back to the starting point ) before the sunset will be rightfully his. He keeps on going to cover as much land possible, but because he is so tired he cannot come back and dies midway. And his grave just takes 6 feet of all the land that he had covered. This, always is the fear of giving it your all. What if it all amounts to nothing.


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