The Hardest Thing To Do

Of course I'm not just gonna give it right away. That'd make this a boring read. I'm going to put in a whole lot of adjectives and verbs creatively thought out to describe exactly what one feels when doing this particular sequence of actions, rarely performed by many.

It's this mind bending, limb stretching, mental limits pushing, pain barrier breaking, ass hurting, barehands crocodile fighting, body wearying, physically draining, hand taxing, thigh numbing, psyche perspiring, soul drudging, power grinding, back breaking, torso drenching, chassis soaking, frame wetting ability to do burpees* be consistent, at anything.

To just have robotic-like consistency in anything you do. The hardest part of living in my opinion is getting yourself to do something, anything. It's to convince your mind, to motivate yourself to do more than just the bare minimum to survive. Now, there are a set of things you're almost forced to do - going to school, waking up for work, sleeping - most of these either forced on you by the way society is constructed, or your very existence. 

But for everything else, like exercising, reading books, applying a face mask, learning a language, getting deep into a subject of study; there's a mental willingness barrier you have to cross to get yourself motivated enough to do them not once, not twice, but every single day. So much so that they become a part of your existence almost in the same way you'd not exist if you didn't breathe. 
That sort of consistency is hard.


I had originally written this about burpees. That exercise that looks super simple, and 90% of the population can't do 10 times in a row.
I wanted to end the post with: to be able to consistently do 100 burpees a day, every day of your life. 
But then:


  1. Would doing that 10 or 100 burpees or anything that's beyond the `bare minimum` be ** if you had a purpose to do it? I can do burpees but only because I have a purpose to go workout regularly. I wasn't asked if I wanted to go to school (and I didn't question because everyone was doing it), but sure going to the grad school was my own decision and again, I had a purpose for it.

    Point I am making is, for me at least, not having a strong purpose/reason to do something is when it feels like **.

    1. ** in the above comment is “all the verbs/adjectives” you’ve used in your blog.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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