Does God Understand English?

Quick jot. Not very well thought through, just a thought.

Does God Understand English? Or for that matter, Hindi, German, Urdu, or even the near-perfect, Sanskrit?

My mother visits the temple everyday, along with hundreds of millions of other Indians.

Man. Hundreds of millions. Suddenly that seems like a very large number of God-believing Indians to me.

Anyway. Whenever I'm at home, she takes me a long with her to our society's temple, and I have a casual conversation with Him, where only I speak in my mind, in English, not knowing if there's anyone there, listening on the other end. And that's what made me think. We all pray in some or the other language, right? A Sardar is most likely to pray in Punjabi. A French, in French. An Italian, in Italian. An Egyptian, in Arabic. But does God really understand the billions of prayers He listens to?

Yes, we all think God is a super power, the creator of all, who understands everything, whose decisions are what govern this Universe. Ah. That's just a definition. Human made. I like to believe that there is a Creator who wrote down 7 laws that govern the fundamentals of this universe, and everything else just happened as a consequence.
So, if He is the creator, that doesn't mean He would understand everything one race on one tiny planet made right? Example (not the best of examples) My mother. She created me, and yet she does not understand what Java or Python is.

So, all these years, we all pray, we all pray for events we wish come true, and funnily enough, God sits there thinking to Himself, in his own language of course, What on heaven are these humans saying.

Analogy. Dog. Have you ever owned a dog? You speak to it, right? Sometimes, you talk to the dog as if it's just another human being. It doesn't reply, and it barely understands what you're saying. But what it does understand are your feelings. You shout at the dog, and it will know that you're upset, or that it has done something wrong. You play around with it, say things with a smile on your face, and it'll wag it's tail happily.

Dogs are funny creatures. They're happy when you're happy. And you can trick them into believing Hitler was a good guy.

In the same way, I feel (if at all there is one) God does not understand what we say. The only thing He understands is our feelings.


Unless of course He is super smart, and applies audio processing to capture emotion to perform sentiment analysis on this super large data set called humanity, to understand what we say.
I have a hunch He doesn't do that. I think God is a foolish as a dog.


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