
Showing posts from March, 2025

Growth at BigTech

Growth at my time at BigTech meant several things to me: Become the person everyone in my working radius knows. Be responsible for a good chunk of work, and in turn get promoted for it. Learn how a big org works, and learn to be effective in them. Eventually be in the room that leaders make decisions. Based on these metrics for growth, here's what I learned you need: Visibility. Visibility Visibility. Assuming you're already a top tier engineer, a team lead, and a go-to person in your project, here's how you get visibility: Be where leaders are. Don't try to play the ladder game from a remote office. It's futile. It's like trying to climb an extra greasy ladder. You will eventually get up there, but no one will recognize nor reward you for having climbed the greasy variant. Look where leaders are looking. Don't work on things you think are important. Don't work on things your users think are important. Work on things leadership thinks are important. T...